/* lfsr.dcsh ** dc_shell script for LFSR Counter example project ** Target device Xilinx 3042PC84-50 search_path = {. \ /opt/digital/share/xilinx3/xact/synopsys/libraries/syn \ /opt/digital/synopsys3.2b/libraries/syn} link_library = {xprim_3042-50.db xprim_3000-50.db \ xgen_3000.db xdc_3000-50.db} target_library = {xprim_3042-50.db xprim_3000-50.db \ xgen_3000.db xdc_3000-50.db} symbol_library = xc3000.sdb define_design_lib WORK -path ./WORK compile_fix_multiple_port_nets = true bus_naming_style = "%s<%d>" bus_dimension_separator_style = "><" bus_inference_style = "%s<%d>" edifout_netlist_only = true edifout_power_and_ground_representation = cell edifout_write_properties_list = "instance_number port_location part" designer = "Scott Harrington" company = "Duke EE" TOP = "lfsr" /* read -format vhdl pointers.vhd ** read -format vhdl natasha.vhd */ /* analyze -format vhdl {this_project_has.vhd multiple_modules.vhd} */ analyze -format vhdl lfsr.vhd elaborate TOP current_design TOP set_operating_conditions WCCOM set_wire_load "3042-50_avg" set_port_is_pad "*" set_pad_type -slewrate high all_outputs() /* Insert the FPGA pads before compile so that logic can be mapped ** into IOBs */ insert_pads remove_constraint -all create_clock "Clk" -period 100 uniquify compile -ungroup_all -boundary_optimization report_area > TOP + ".area" report_timing > TOP + ".timing" set_attribute TOP "part" -type string "3042pc84-50" /* set_attribute {Z} "pad_location" -type string "P70" ** set_attribute find(design lfsr) "xnfout_use_blknames" -type boolean FALSE ** set_attribute find(design lfsr) "xnfout_write_map_symbols" -type boolean FALSE */ write -format db -hierarchy -output TOP + ".db" /* replace_fpga */ xnfout_library_version = "5.0.0" write -format edif -hierarchy -output TOP + ".sedif" /* write -format xnf -hierarchy -output TOP + ".sxnf" */ exit