# # Created by XMAKE Version 5.1.0 on Sun Apr 9 17:24:33 1995 # # The following options were used: -P 3042PC84-50 # # The following is the hierarchy of the design 'lfsr.sedif' # # lfsr.sedif # DEFAULT_TARGET lfsr.bit lfsr.bit : lfsr.lca makebits -B -R2 -S0 -T -XB -YA lfsr.lca lfsr.lca : lfsr.map map2lca -P 3042PC84-50 lfsr.map lfsr.lca apr -W -Y lfsr.lca lfsr.lca lfsr.map : lfsr.xtf xnfmap -P 3042PC84-50 lfsr.xtf lfsr.map lfsr.xtf : lfsr.xff xnfprep lfsr.xff lfsr.xtf parttype=3042PC84-50 lfsr.xff : lfsr.xnf xnfmerge -A -D xnf -P 3042PC84-50 lfsr.xnf lfsr.xff lfsr.xnf : lfsr.sedif syn2xnf -force -parttype 3042PC84-50 lfsr.sedif