xnfprep [5.1.0] -- Xilinx Automatic CAE Tools Copyright (c) 1995 Xilinx Inc. All Rights Reserved. + xnfprep @ 1995/04/09 17:24:40 [00:00:03] + Parameters ----------------------- design = lfsr.xff outfile = lfsr.xtf report = *** savesig = FALSE parttype = 3042PC84-50 cstfile = *** logfile = xnfprep.log ----------------------- xnfprep: running design rule checker ... xnfprep: trimming unnecessary and redundant logic... xnfprep: running design rule checker on trimmed design... XNFPREP SUMMARY --------------- 0 Errors found 1 Warnings found 0 Unnecessary inverters and buffers removed 0 Unnecessary or disabled symbols removed 0 Sourceless or loadless signals removed Refer to the lfsr.prp file for details. Output netlist written to file lfsr.xtf. - xnfprep @ 1995/04/09 17:24:46 [00:00:07] = -------- @ 1995/04/09 00:00:06 [00:00:04] + xnfprep required [878.929] Kbytes of dynamic/allocated memory