CMOS Inverter Layout


The goal of this lab is to introduce the student to CMOS layout via the Led Editor. Your goal will be to produce a layout similar to the CMOS inverter layout shown below:

In this lab we will not be concerned with producing a compact layout; however, it is important that the layout be functional and design rule error free. We will be using the scn08hp technology for this exercise (lambda = 0.4U).

Set Up

Make a directory for your work. Change to this directory and execute the command:

 ln -s /ecad/local/tech/rel/gdt/scn08hp.dir/Ledrc

This creates a symbolic link to the Led initialization file for the scn08hp technology. You should always do this for whatever technology you are assigned to work in. One of the things the 'Ledrc' file does is set the LED x,y grid to be equal to one-half lambda for the current technology; in this case lambda = 0.4U.

Creating the layout

Start up Led by doing:

  Led -t scn08hp -l /ecad/local/tech/rel/gdt

Execute 'Cells -> Create New Layout Cell' to open a new layout cell. Name your cell 'myinv'. Creating a layout in Led uses the same editing commands as used for creating a schematic. Layout creation in Led involves connecting elements together; the elements you will be using are:
In this layout, we will NOT be concerned with area efficiency; give yourself plenty of space when placing elements. Use the quick reference design rule list to help guide your spacing of elements; you DO NOT have to use minimum spacing between elements.

You can use

  Display -> Plot a grid [g]
to display a grid to help with spacing of elements. The 'Ledrc' file defines the x/y grid spacing as half-lambda. If you are zoomed too far out, you will get the message 'grid too fine'; use the 'zoom in' command ('2' hotkey) to see the grid.

SAVE YOUR WORK OFTEN while creating your layout; Led has been known to crash!!!

NMOS Transistor

Use the 'Add->Transistor (v)' command to add an NMOS transistor. You will need to use the 'Alter' commands to reflect and/or rotate the transistor so that the Ndiffusion runs horizontally and the drain terminal is on the right side. Use the 'Alter-Size' command to set the width of the transistor as specified here.

MNDIFF contacts

Place MNDIFF contacts on both the source and drains of the NMOS transistor ('Add->Contact (c)'). You MUST also add wires between the MNDIFF contacts and the respective source/drain terminals.

Wires are added to layouts using the same commands as used in schematic editing (select an object, use 'A' to start the wire', select the endpoint object). The type of objects selected for the start/end points will determine the layer type of the wire. For example, connecting a wire between an MPoly contact and a M1M2 contact will use a MET1 wire; between a diffusion contact and a source/drain terminal will use an NDIFF wire, etc. You can also explicitly change the layer for a wire via the 'Alter' command.

MPOLY contact

Add an MPOLY contact to the gate of the NMOS transistor as shown. You MUST also add a wire between between the MPOLY contact and the gate terminal of the NMOS transistor.

Design Rule Checking

After adding the MNDIFF contacts, use the internal Led design rule checker on your cell via the :

 Cells -> Rule Check Cells -> Chk. Current Cell 

command ('L' hotkey command). The Led Design Rule Check (DRC) is a quick DRC that will catch most errors; later we will use an external DRC program that will do a more extensive check. Any DRC errors found will be shown as cross-hatched boxes; use the 'Find->Jump to Next Error' command to cycle through the DRCs ('Ctrl-E' hotkey). Correct any DRC errors which have been detected. You should periodically do a DRC while you are editing; if you wait until you are finished with the entire layout before doing a DRC then you will find it more difficult to fix the errors because it may involve adjusting the spacing of many different elements.

PMOS Transistor, MPDIFF contacts, MPOLY Contact

Use the 'Add->Transistor (v)' command to add an PMOS transistor above the PMOS transistor. Check the design rules for spacings between NSUB (N-well where the PMOS transistor will be) to the NDIFF layer (which is part of the NMOS transistor). Use the 'Alter' commands to reflect and/or rotate the transistor to that the Pdiffusion runs horizontally and the drain terminal is on the right side. Use the 'Alter-Size' command to set the width of the transistor as specified here.

Place MPDIFF contacts on both the source and drains of the NMOS transistor ('Add->Contact (c)'). Set the width of the MPDIFF contacts to match the width of the PMOS transistor. You MUST also add wires between between the MPDIFF contacts and the respective source/drain terminals.

Add an MPOLY contact to the gate of the PMOS transistor as shown. You MUST also add a wire between between the MPOLY contact and the gate terminal of the PMOS transistor.

MET1 Wiring

Add a MET1 wire to connect drain diffusion contacts of the PMOS and NMOS transistors. This wire will connect the MNDIFF to the MPDIFF contact. Add a MET1 wire that connects the poly contacts on the gates of the two transistors together.

M1M2 Contacts, Terminals

Add the M1M2 contacts as shown for the A and Y terminals. The M1M2 contact for the A terminal needs to be connected to the common MET1 connecting the PMOS/NMOS gate terminals (or connect it to one of the MPOLY contacts). The M1M2 contact for the Y terminal needs to be connected to the common MET1 connecting the PMOS/NMOS drain terminals (or connect it to one of the drain diffusion contacts).

Next, add a terminal of type 'IN' to the M1M2 contact used for 'A'. To add this terminal, first SELECT the M1M2 contact, then use the 'Add -> Add Terminal' command ('x' hotkey) to add the terminal. This should add the terminal node plus a wire which connects the terminal node to the M1M2 contact. Use the 'Alter' command to change the name of the terminal to 'A' and add a 'Viewname' property to make the terminal name visible.

Follow the same procedure to a terminal of type 'OUT' to the M1M2 contact used for the 'Y' terminal.

VDD/GND Wiring, Terminals

Add MET1 wiring as shown for the Vdd/GND rails. The VDD wire needs to be added to the source diffusion contact of the PMOS transistor. The GND wire needs to be added to the source diffusion contact of the NMOS transistor. Add terminals of type VDD and GND to the wires; rename these terminals to 'VDD' and 'GND' and make them visible.


Add MNSUB (Nwell plug), MPSUB (P-substrate plug) contacts as shown. The MNSUB contact MUST be connected via a wire to the MET1 wire used for VDD; the MPSUB contact MUST be connected via a wire to the MET1 wire used for GND. Check the spacing rules for MNSUB, MPSUB contacts; the internal LED DRC does NOT check all of the spacing rules for MNSUB, MPSUB contacts.

External DRC Check

After your layout as has passed the internal Led DRC, execute the following command to run the external DRC:

 mcDrGdt myinv.L

This program does a very detailed DRC on your layout. At the end of the DRC a message will be printed giving the status of the DRC; if there are errors, the message will refer to a text file which contains a description of the errors.

HSPICE Extraction

Once the layout has passed the external DRC, execute the following command to extract an hspice file for layout:

  mcExtGdt hspice myinv.L

This program collapses the structures defined in the .L file down to their individual layers, then re-extracts the transistor and connectivity information based on the layer information. This is the 'acid test' of whether or not the geometric layers you put down actually form the circuit you desired. The output file will be called 'myinv.spice'; examine this file and verify that it does indeed form a CMOS inverter.

To Turn In

There is nothing to turn in for this lab. At beginning of the lab period when this work is due, the TA will ask you to demonstrate the following things:

  1. That your layout passes the internal LED DRC
  2. That your layout passes the external DRC
  3. That the spice extraction produces a CMOS inverter with the Widths/Lengths as specified in the lab instructions.
You will be asked to do these functions while the TA is observing; you will be assigned a grade for the lab based on that demonstration. You get ZERO credit for the lab if the lengths/widths do not match the target lengths and widths.