Description version_name This runs the architectural view tool, instruction set power tool, and instruction set simulations. It also generates a power report for the architecture. The output of the architectural view tool is stored in the ph_results directory and is formatted for use with xdu. The instruction set power results are stored in "inspower.txt". A categorized display of instruction power is stored in "inspower.xdu". The results from instruction set simulation are stored in the iss_results directory. The report is created in Excel format (version_name.xls) and text format (version_name.txt). version_name This generates a report with the most expensive instructions, the most frequent instructions for each application in the test directory, the most frequently accessed RAM locations for each application, the power consumption of the major components, and the power consumption of the most expensive components and nets. [-ALL] This script uses to generate roms to test each instruction, then synthesizes each rom, does power analysis, and creates a output file "inspower.txt" that contains the average power of each instruction. Also, is used to categorize the instructions into a format readable by xdu. This categorized display is stored in "inspower.xdu". [-ALL] hexfile outputfile This script implements the architectural view tool. It runs the application specified by hexfile and outputs a power heirarchy file (outputfile) that displays a heirarchical view of power consumption. The outputfile is formatted for use with xdu. The optional -ALL flag causes the entire 8051 to be synthesized. If the flag is omitted, only the ROM is resynthesized. [-ALL] Runs the application on each application in the test directory. Results are stored in the ph_results directory. The optional -ALL flag causes the entire 8051 to be synthesized. If the flag is omitted, only the ROM is resynthesized. Runs instruction set simulation tests. This generates a program memory view of power consumption, a view of data memory accesses, and an instruction count view. All results are written to the iss_results directory.