The Actel DeskTOP is an alliance between three world class suppliers - Actel, Synplicity, and VeriBest - bringing together the best in FPGA silicon, synthesis, and simulation to help designers solve their design challenges today and in the future. Not simply three tools on one CD, the Actel DeskTOP is a complete, integrated design environment - from design entry to programmed parts.
The Actel DeskTOP supports schematic and HDL design flows, and includes schematic and HDL entry tools, VeriBest simulation, Synplify synthesis, and Actel place and route, design verification, and device programming software. All of this, is integrated into the VeriBest DesignView design management environment.
That's right, you can design with the Actel DeskTOP free for a 60 day evaluation. We also offer yearly maintenance, which gives you access to updates, new device families, and technical support, for an annual fee.
Sign up today through the Actel DeskTOP site for the free Actel DeskTOP CD and request a license. Once you have gotten your Actel DeskTOP installed and running with a license, contact your Actel local distributor to purchase the maintenance for $995.
Actel DeskTOP requires Windows NT or 95. See Minimum System Requirements for further details. For more information, visit the Actel DeskTOP site, or go directly to the CD order form!

The Actel DeskTOP Series
The basic Actel DeskTOP is an integrated development environment for designers using less than 50K gates. VeriBest's design entry tools support mixed-mode entry, giving designers the flexibility to customize. Also included are VeriBest's WaveBench, a graphical tool for automatic HDL testbench generation and an integrated synthesis tool from Synplicity. Additionally, Actel's Designer Series offers place and route, timing analysis, programming, and design verification, enabling easy design implementation for Actel FPGAs.
Actel DeskTOP is just the beginning. Actel is committed to providing tools for all levels and needs, from junior engineers to experienced FPGA designers:
Actel DeskTOP Verilog Simulator Option is an upgrade that adds Verilog design entry and simulation (up to 50K gates) to any DeskTOP product.
DeskTOP Pro increases the design simulation limit to 400K with unlimited synthesis, giving designers a migration path as their skills and density requirements increase. DeskTOP also includes VeriBest's State Diagram Editor for generating graphical state machines in high level design and Synplicity's SCOPE HDL Constraints Editor, which allows the designer to set timing constraints in the HDL code.
DeskTOP Open is ideal for ASIC designers who are starting to use FPGAs in their designs, but have already invested in synthesis tools. DeskTOP Open offers flexibility by allowing designers to choose their own synthesis tool from the industry leading synthesis vendors.
In addition, Actel offers Designer Synplify, which includes unlimited synthesis capabilities with Synplicity's Synplify for Actel, and full place and route with Actel's Designer Advantage tools.
Actel also offers yearly DeskTOP Maintenance for all DeskTOP products, which gives you access to updates, new device families, and technical support for an annual fee. To purchase or upgrade any Actel DeskTOP product, contact an Actel representative or Actel customer service at (408) 739-1010 or customer.service@actel.com.

- VeriBest DesignView integrated design management environment with schematic and HDL design entry
- VeriBest VBVHDL VHDL simulator (50,000 gate limit)
- Synplicity Synplify-Lite for Actel synthesis tool.
- Actel Designer Lite FPGA design software
- Silicon Explorer in-system real time analysis software
- A tutorial to help you get up to speed
- An Interface Guide reference manual
- Actel Digital Library
- Adobe Acrobat reader for PDF files
For more information, visit the Actel DeskTOP site, or go directly to the CD order form!

- ProASIC device: A500K050 (synthesis only)
- SX-A devices: A54SX08A, A54SX16A, A54SX32A
- SX devices: A54SX08, A54SX16, A54SX16P, A54SX32
- MX devices: A40MX02, A40MX04, A42MX09, A42MX16, A42MX24
- 3200DX devices: A3265DX, A32100DX, A32140DX
- All ACT 3 devices - A1415, A1425, A1440, A1460, A14100
- All 1200XL devices - A1225XL, A1240XL, A1280XL
- All ACT 1 devices - A1010B, A1020B
- All RadHard devices - RH1020, RH1280
- All RadTolerant devices - RT1280, RT1425, RT1460, RT14100, RT54SX16, RT54SX32
- All RAD-PAK® devices - RP1280, RP14100

- 150MHz Pentium with Windows NT, or Windows 95 U.S. version
- 32 MB RAM (64MB recommended)
- FAT32 or NTFS file system recommended
- 200 MB available hard disk space for the Actel DeskTOP software
- 30 MB available hard disk space for each VITAL VHDL device family library
- CD-ROM drive
- HTML browser
- 800x600 video resolution