Connection recommendation for unused I/Os...


Author: 오 성찬 (FAE Specialist / ALTERA Korea)
Date: 2001.5.19

ALTERA의 Device에는 일반I/O Pin만 있는게 아니라 기타 여러기능들을 위한 다양한 특수Pin들이 준비되어 있습니다...  아래의 표는 일반 I/O와 특수Pin들을 사용치 않을 때 어떻게 처리를 해야하는지에 관해 정리해 놓은 표입니다...  일단 제가 만든게 아니므로 이에관한 질문사항은 위에 적힌 분에게 하기시 바랍니다...


Dedicated clk and input pins

Unused JTAG pins (NOT using JTAG)

PLL-related pins

General IOs

MAX 7000, 7000A, 7000E, 7000S

GND - If the dedicated input pins are left floating, then they no longer remain in the saturation or cutoff region of the IV graph. Potentially the device could start drawing an excessive amount of current causing possible damage to the pin and the device.

Can be used as IOs


MUST be connected to GND. The state of the unused IOs is unknown during user mode. Therefore, the pins could be switching, be low or high. Please see Atlas solution: Why does the MAX+PLUS® II software allow me to connect all my unused I/O pins to ground for a MAX® 7000AE device, but for other MAX 7000 devices it says I must leave them unconnected?

MAX 7000AE, 7000B

GND - If the dedicated input pins are left floating, then they no longer remain in the saturation or cutoff region of the IV graph. Potentially the device could start drawing an excessive amount of current causing possible damage to the pin and the device.

Can be used as IOs


Can be connected to GND or left unconnected. Please see Atlas solution: Why does the MAX+PLUS® II software allow me to connect all my unused I/O pins to ground for a MAX® 7000AE device, but for other MAX 7000 devices it says I must leave them unconnected?


GND - If the dedicated input pins are left floating, then they no longer remain in the saturation or cutoff region of the IV graph. Potentially the device could start drawing an excessive amount of current causing possible damage to the pin and the device.

AN 39 (IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) Boundary-Scan Testing in Altera Devices)

VCC_CLKLK and GND_CLKLK are the power and ground for the ClockLock and ClockBoost circuitry. If the ClockLock or ClockBoost circuitry is not used, the VCC_CLKLK and GND_CLKLK pin should be connected to VCCINT or GNDINT, respectively.

MUST be connected to GND. The state of the unused IOs is unknown during user mode.


GND - If the dedicated input pins are left floating, then they no longer remain in the saturation or cutoff region of the IV graph. Potentially the device could start drawing an excessive amount of current causing possible damage to the pin and the device.

AN 39 (IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) Boundary-Scan Testing in Altera Devices)

CLKLK_FB1p and CLKLK_FB2p should be connected to GND. CLKLK_OUT1p and CLKLK_OUT2p are floating, therefore, they should be pulled down or connected to ground. CLKLK_ENA is recommended to be connected to VCCINT. However, either VCCINT or GND are acceptable since CLKLK_ENA is a floating input. VCC_CLKLK and GND_CLKLK are the power and ground for the ClockLock and ClockBoost circuitry. If the ClockLock or ClockBoost circuitry is not used, the VCC_CLKLK and GND_CLKLK pin should be connected to VCCINT or GNDINT, respectively.

VCC_CLKOUT and GND_CLKOUT are the power or ground for the external output of a PLL. If the PLL or external output is not used, VCC_CLKOUT and GND_CLKOUT should be connected to VCCIO or GNDIO, respectively.

Dependent on the user. Please see Atlas solution: How should I connect my unused APEXTM 20K or APEX 20KE I/O pins?


GND - If the dedicated input pins are left floating, then they no longer remain in the saturation or cutoff region of the IV graph. Potentially the device could start drawing an excessive amount of current causing possible damage to the pin and the device.

AN 39 (IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) Boundary-Scan Testing in Altera Devices)

CLKLK_FB1p and CLKLK_FB2p should be connected to GND. CLKLK_OUT1p and CLKLK_OUT2p are floating, therefore, they should be pulled down or connected to ground. CLKLK_ENA is recommended to be connected to VCCINT. However, either VCCINT or GND are acceptable since CLKLK_ENA is a floating input.

Dependent on the user. Please see Atlas solution: How should I connect my unused APEXTM 20K or APEX 20KE I/O pins?

What is reported in the .rpt file reports from MAX+PLUS II or Quartus II SHOULD be followed. These report files are compiled so that the customer will NOT damage the device. If these pins descriptions are not followed, the behavior of device is NOT predictable and could cause damage to both the device and the board.

Please see pin-out tables for Mercury for further detail:

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