Table of Contents
- abstract literal
- access type
- access mode
- access value
- active driver
- actual
- aggregate
- expression
- alias
- allocator
- analysis
- anonymous
- appropriate
- architecture body
- array object
- array type
- ascending range
- assertion violation
- associated driver
- associated in whole
- associated individually
- association element
- association list
- attribute
- base specifier
- base type
- based literal
- basic operation
- basic signal
- belong (to a range)
- belong (to a subtype)
- binding
- bit string literal
- block
- bound
- box
- bus
- character literal
- character type
- closely related types
- complete
- complete context
- composite type
- concurrent statement
- configuration
- conform
- connected
- constant
- constraint
- conversion function
- convertible
- current value
- decimal literal
- declaration
- declarative part
- declarative region
- decorate
- default expression
- deferred constant
- delta cycle
- denote
- depend (on a library unit)
- depend (on a signal value)
- descending range
- design file
- design hierarchy
- design library
- design unit
- entity declaration
- designate
- designated subtype
- designated type
- designator
- directly visible
- discrete array
- discrete range
- discrete type
- driver
- driving value
- effective value
- elaboration
- element
- entity declaration
- enumeration literal
- enumeration type
- error
- erroneous
- event
- execute
- expanded name
- explicit ancestor
- explicit signal
- explicitly declared constant
- explicitly declared object
- expression
- extend
- extended digit
- external block
- file type
- floating point types
- foreign subprogram
- formal
- full declaration
- fully bound
- generate parameter
- generic
- generic interface list
- globally static expression
- globally static primary
- group
- guard
- guard expression
- guarded assignment
- guarded signal
- guarded target
- hidden
- homograph
- identify
- immediate scope
- immediately within
- implicit signal
- implicitly declared object
- imply
- impure function
- incomplete type declaration
- index constraint
- index range
- index subtype
- inertial delay
- initial value expression
- inputs
- instance
- integer literal
- integer type
- interface list
- internal block
- ISO 8859-1
- kernel process
- left of
- left-to-right order
- library
- library unit
- literal
- local generic
- local port
- locally static expression
- locally static name
- locally static primary
- locally static subtype
- longest static prefix
- loop parameter
- lower bound
- match
- matching elements
- member
- mode
- model
- name
- named association
- named entity
- net
- nonobject alias
- nonpostponed process
- null array
- null range
- null slice
- null waveform element
- null transaction
- numeric literal
- numeric type
- object
- object alias
- overloaded
- parameter
- parameter interface list
- parameter type profile
- parameter and result type profile
- parent
- passive process
- physical literal
- physical type
- port
- port interface list
- positional association
- postponed process
- predefined operators
- primary
- projected output waveform
- pulse rejection limit
- pure function
- quiet
- range
- range constraint
- read
- real literal
- record type
- reference
- register
- regular structure
- resolution
- resolution function
- resolution limit
- resolved signal
- resolved value
- resource library
- result subtype
- resume
- right of
- satisfy
- scalar type
- scope
- selected name
- sensitivity set
- sequential statements
- short-circuit operation
- signal
- signal transform
- simple name
- simulation cycle
- single-object declaration
- slice
- source
- specification
- statement transform
- static
- static name
- static range
- static signal name
- static variable name
- string literal
- subaggregate
- subelement
- subprogram specification
- subtype
- suspend
- timeout interval
- to the left of
- to the right of
- transaction
- transport delay
- type
- type conversion
- unaffected
- unassociated formal
- unconstrained subtype
- unit name
- universal_integer
- universal_real
- update
- upper bound