Layout of the Black Jack Dealer example with pads in scn12hp technology.
Layout of the Black Jack Dealer example with pads in scn08hp technology.
In comparing the 1.2U layout to the 0.8U, the scaling of the core versus the
fixed size (non-scaleable) pads is obvious.
32 x 32 Register file generated via Mentor Memory Builder (scn08hp tech).
32 Bit Barrel Shifter generated via Mentor Memory Builder (scn08hp tech).
32 Bit DLX ALU,(scn08hp tech).
Mixed standard cell, cell tiling implementation. Barrel shifter block genenerated
via Mentor Memory Builder, Standard Cell block by Autocells, place/route via
Mentor MicroRoute.
32 Bit DLX ALU,(scn08hp tech).
100% standard cell implementation generated via Mentor Autocells.
Double-Row Padframe (scn06hp tech).
Cluster of seven I/O pads for the Double-Row Padframe (scn06hp).
Cluster of two I/O pads with a power pad (scn06hp).
Clock and Reset pads with a power pad (scn06hp).
DLX Integer CPU Dual-Port Register File (scn08hp).
DLX Integer CPU GCMOS Core (scn06hp)
DLX Integer CPU GCMOS Chip (scn06hp)