Below is a non-exhaustive list of commercially available software development tools for ERC32. If you which to add a product, contact Jiri Gaisler at ESTEC (TOS-ESD).
The ERC32 Hard Real-Time toolset has been specifically developed to provide integrated support for the development, analysis and simulation of ERC32 embedded (hard) real-time (HRT) Ada application. The ERC32 toolset, which supports multi-windowed GUI, is hosted on Sun/Solaris 2.X platforms and is comprised of:
ERC32 Ada Cross Compiler System based on Aonix SPARC technology . HRT Analysis Support Tools ERC32 Simulator
The popular VxWorks kernel is being used with ERC32 in several projects. A VxWorks board support package (BSP) for the Tharsys ERC32 VME board is available from CNES and CS Cisi. Contact Brigitte Combel at CNES or Michel Do Khac Du at CS Cisi for commercial information. Technical questions should be directed to Andre Jover at CS Cisi.Contact WRS at for more information about the VxWorks kernel.
Ada Core Technologies (ACT) provides commecially supported Ada95 compilers based on GNAT (GNU Ada Translator). ACT offers an Ada95 cross-compiler for bare ERC32 targets based on gnat-4.11 and rtems-4.0.0. The cross-compiler is officially validated using ACVC-2.0.1. ACT also provides an Ada95 cross-compiler for VxWorks targets. Contact ACT sales for more info.
OAR provides the RTEMS C/C++ real-time kernel for ERC32. The kernel and associated compiler and debugger are provided free of charge, including source code. OAR offers various levels of technical support, starting at $1,500/engineer/year. Contact OAR sales for more info.
Last edited 11 January 1999
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