--========================================================== -- Design units : ELEMpack (package) -- -- File name : ELEMpack.vhd -- -- Purpose : ELEMpack contains simple gates and -- structures of gates -- -- Limitations : This package has to be compiled in the -- default library WORK -- -- Library : WORK -- -- Dependencies : IEEE -- -- Author : Hans-Peter Eich, REFT -- -- Simulator : Synopsys V3.1a on Sun SPARCstation 10 -- ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Revision list -- Version Author Date Changes -- -- V1.0 hpe 10.01.95 None -- V1.1 cjt 06.07.95 Rename of OR2 to OR_2 --========================================================= LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; PACKAGE ELEMpack IS COMPONENT INV -- inverter PORT(X: IN std_logic; -- data in Y: OUT std_logic); -- data out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT BUF -- buffer PORT(X: IN std_logic; -- data in Y: OUT std_logic); -- data out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT nBUF -- n bit buffer GENERIC(N: POSITIVE); -- structure length PORT(X: IN std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0); -- n bit data in Y: OUT std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0)); -- n bit data out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT NAND2 -- nand gate with 2 inputs PORT(A: IN std_logic; -- data in B: IN std_logic; -- data in Y: OUT std_logic); -- data out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT NAND3 -- nand gate with 3 inputs PORT(A: IN std_logic; -- data in B: IN std_logic; -- data in C: IN std_logic; -- data in Y: OUT std_logic); -- data out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT AND2 -- and gate with 2 inputs PORT(A: IN std_logic; -- data in B: IN std_logic; -- data in Y: OUT std_logic); -- data out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT AND3 -- and gate with 3 inputs PORT(A: IN std_logic; -- data in B: IN std_logic; -- data in C: IN std_logic; -- data in Y: OUT std_logic); -- data out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT AND4 -- and gate with 4 inputs PORT(A: IN std_logic; -- data in B: IN std_logic; -- data in C: IN std_logic; -- data in D: IN std_logic; -- data in Y: OUT std_logic); -- data out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT AND5 -- and gate with 5 inputs PORT(A: IN std_logic; -- data in B: IN std_logic; -- data in C: IN std_logic; -- data in D: IN std_logic; -- data in E: IN std_logic; -- data in Y: OUT std_logic); -- data out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT NOR2 -- nor gate with 2 inputs PORT(A: IN std_logic; -- data in B: IN std_logic; -- data in Y: OUT std_logic); -- data out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT NOR3 -- nor gate with 3 inputs PORT(A: IN std_logic; -- data in B: IN std_logic; -- data in C: IN std_logic; -- data in Y: OUT std_logic); -- data out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT OR_2 -- or gate with 2 inputs PORT(A: IN std_logic; -- data in B: IN std_logic; -- data in Y: OUT std_logic); -- data out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT OR3 -- or gate with 3 inputs PORT(A: IN std_logic; -- data in B: IN std_logic; -- data in C: IN std_logic; -- data in Y: OUT std_logic); -- data out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT OR4 -- or gate with 4 inputs PORT(A: IN std_logic; -- data in B: IN std_logic; -- data in C: IN std_logic; -- data in D: IN std_logic; -- data in Y: OUT std_logic); -- data out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT OR5 -- or gate with 5 inputs PORT(A: IN std_logic; -- data in B: IN std_logic; -- data in C: IN std_logic; -- data in D: IN std_logic; -- data in E: IN std_logic; -- data in Y: OUT std_logic); -- data out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT NXOR2 -- not exclusive or gate PORT(A: IN std_logic; -- data in B: IN std_logic; -- data in Y: OUT std_logic); -- data out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT XOR2 -- exclusive or gate PORT(A: IN std_logic; -- data in B: IN std_logic; -- data in Y: OUT std_logic); -- data out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT MUX -- 2:1 multiplexer PORT(A: IN std_logic; -- data in B: IN std_logic; -- data in S: IN std_logic; -- select input Y: OUT std_logic); -- data out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT DMUX -- 1:2 demultiplexer PORT(X: IN std_logic; -- data in S: IN std_logic; -- select output Y0: OUT std_logic; -- data out Y1: OUT std_logic); -- data out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT DL -- delay latch PORT( D: IN std_logic; -- data in CLK: IN std_logic; -- clock in Q: OUT std_logic); -- state out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT DFF -- delay flipflop PORT( D: IN std_logic; -- data in CLK: IN std_logic; -- clock in Q: OUT std_logic); -- state out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT DFFs -- delay flipflop with enable PORT( D: IN std_logic; -- data in S: IN std_logic; -- enable input CLK: IN std_logic; -- clock in Q: OUT std_logic; -- state out QZ: OUT std_logic); -- inverse state out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT DFFsr -- delay flipflop with enable and reset PORT( D: IN std_logic; -- data in S: IN std_logic; -- enable input R: IN std_logic; -- asynchronous reset , active low CLK: IN std_logic; -- clock in Q: OUT std_logic); -- state out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT RSFFR -- rs flipflop with clear PORT(S: IN std_logic; -- set input R: IN std_logic; -- reset input C: IN std_logic; -- clear input Q: OUT std_logic; -- state out QZ: OUT std_logic); -- inverse state out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT RSFF -- rs flipflop PORT(S: IN std_logic; -- set input R: IN std_logic; -- reset input Q: OUT std_logic; -- state out QZ: OUT std_logic); -- inverse state out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT nMUX -- n bit 2:1 multiplexer GENERIC(N: POSITIVE); PORT(A0: IN std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0); -- n bit data in A1: IN std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0); -- n bit data in S: IN std_logic; -- select input Y: OUT std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0)); -- n bit data out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT nDMUX -- n bit 1:2 demultiplexer GENERIC(N: POSITIVE); PORT(X: IN std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0); -- n bit data n S: IN std_logic; -- select output Y0: OUT std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0); -- n bit data out Y1: OUT std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0)); -- n bit data out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT nREG -- n bit register with enable GENERIC(N: POSITIVE); PORT(CLK: IN std_logic; -- clock in S: IN std_logic; -- enable input X: IN std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0); -- n bit data in Y: OUT std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0)); -- n bit data out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT nREGr -- n bit register with enable and reset GENERIC(N: POSITIVE); PORT(CLK: IN std_logic; -- clock in S: IN std_logic; -- enable input R: IN std_logic; -- asynchronous reset, active low X: IN std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0); -- n bit data in Y: OUT std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0)); -- n bit data out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT HA -- half adder PORT(A : IN std_logic; -- data in B : IN std_logic; -- data in Sum : OUT std_logic; -- sum out COUT : OUT std_logic); -- carry out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT FA -- full adder PORT(A : IN std_logic; -- data in B : IN std_logic; -- data in CIN : IN std_logic; -- carry in Sum : OUT std_logic; -- sum out COUT : OUT std_logic); -- carry out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT nINC -- n bit increment GENERIC(N: POSITIVE); PORT( X: IN std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0); -- n bit data in Y: OUT std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0); -- n bit data out Cout : OUT std_logic); -- cary out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT CRA -- n bit carry ripple adder GENERIC(N: POSITIVE); PORT(A: IN std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0); -- n bit data in B: IN std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0); -- n bit data out Cin: IN std_logic; -- carry in Sum: OUT std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0); -- sum out Cout: OUT std_logic); -- carry out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT AddSub -- n bit carry ripple adder or subtractor GENERIC (N: POSITIVE); PORT ( A: IN std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0); -- n bit data in B: IN std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0); -- n bit data in Mode: IN std_logic; -- mode 0 add,mode 1 sub Y: OUT std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0); -- n bit data out Cout: OUT std_logic); -- carry out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT nSREG -- n bit shift register GENERIC(N: POSITIVE); PORT( X: IN std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0); -- n bit data in S: IN std_logic; -- shift CLK: IN std_logic; -- clock in Y: OUT std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0)); -- n bit data out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT nCMP0 -- test n bit vector on equal zero GENERIC(N: POSITIVE); PORT(X: IN std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0); -- n bit data in Y: OUT std_logic); -- equal zero END COMPONENT; COMPONENT nCMPN -- compare two n bit vectors GENERIC(N: POSITIVE); PORT(A: IN std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0); -- n bit data in B: IN std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0); -- n bit data in eq: OUT std_logic; -- A equals B ls: OUT std_logic); -- A less B END COMPONENT; COMPONENT nLSH -- n bit shift left GENERIC(N: POSITIVE); PORT( X: IN std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0); -- n bit data in Cin: IN std_logic; -- carry in Y: OUT std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0); -- n bit data out Cout: OUT std_logic); -- carry out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT nRSH -- n bit shift right GENERIC(N: POSITIVE); PORT( X: IN std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0); -- n bit data in Cin: IN std_logic; -- carry in Y: OUT std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0); -- n bit data out Cout: OUT std_logic); -- carry out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT expand -- expand bit vector and fill with zero GENERIC (N,M: POSITIVE); PORT (X: IN std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0); -- n bit data in Y: OUT std_logic_vector (M-1 DOWNTO 0)); -- m bit data out END COMPONENT; COMPONENT priority -- lowest bit has priority, other bits are suppressed GENERIC (N: POSITIVE); PORT (X: IN std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0); -- n bit data in Y: OUT std_logic_vector(N-1 DOWNTO 0)); -- n bit data out END COMPONENT; END ELEMpack;