AanSKI`  d# R273_hplja s 5 4o cN74446: TabelleTitel: Table 14-1: Computation of the GCD of two numbers A and B (table 16-1) dbA42681: Abbildung: Figure 14-3: Waveforms for two GCD computations Fig. 16-3 bdN74446: TabelleTitel: Table 14-1: Computation of the GCD of two numbers A and B table 16-1 d536843: Abbildung: Figure 14-2: Controller realization Fig. 16-2 a :98841: 2berschrift: 2.3 Verification Problem Presentation5(see Section 2.2 Verification Problem Presentation) a 714061: 2berschrift: 2.4 Classification of the Circuits<(see Section 2.3 Classification of the Verification tasks) b :32005: TabelleTitel: Table 2-1: Current Benchmark Circuits table 2-1 h 22060: Title: v1.1.0v1.2.0 a .41965: 3berschrift: 2.3.4 Base Module Library)(see Section 2.2.3 Base Module Library) b 972082: TabelleTitel: Table 2-4: Schematic Drawing Symbolse table 2-3: a  !19205: 2berschrift: 2.2 Releases1(see Section 2.1 Releases)68 ae494615: 3berschrift: 10.2.2 High-Level Specification/(see Section 16.2.2 High-Level Specification)1 b  C11350: TabelleTitel: Table 2-3: Elements of the Base Module Library4 table 2-2 Fi b e32032: TabelleTitel: Table 2-5: table 2-4: d :40645: Figure: Figure 17-3:n Fig. 17-3e S b aH12516: TabelleTitel: Table 2-6: Classification of the Benchmark Circuits table 2-5on e ?41438: Figure: Figure 11-1: Controller of the Black-Jack Dealer (Fig. 11-1): e :42160: Figure: Figure 11-2:i (Fig. 11-2) g  530609: 1berschrift: 20 2Syst (Matrix Multiplication) section 22 e BP44928: Abbildung: Figure 18-2: Realization of a n bit Fifo element with m places (Fig. 19-2)l d  C32981: Figure: Figure 18-4: Divider base module designed in CADENCE2 Fig. 18-52.2 a S#38515: 2berschrift: 3.4 Email list(see Section 3.4 Email list)2 ba;50024: TabelleTitel: Table 6-2: Controller transition table table 16-2C d :26893: Abbildung: Figure 19-3: Fig. 20-44 eN78653: Abbildung: Figure 6-3: Operationswerk und Steuerwerk zur ggT Berechnung (Fig. 16-1): F d n66149: Abbildung: Figure 19-2: Fig. 20-2T b2852501: TabelleTitel: Table 6-3: FSM transition functions table 16-3  d r282967: Abbildung: Figure 17-2: Divider base module Fig. 19-1: d :S23228: Abbildung: Figure 19-1: Black box view of a word-organizedassotiative memoryr Fig. 20-3 (M f n41373: Gleichung: (14-2) equation 17-2: A f -a23790: Gleichung: (14-3) P = A B = (a0b0)+2(a1b0+a0b1)+4(a2b0+a1b1+a0b2)+8(a3b0+a2b1+a1b2+a0b3)g equation 17-3 d  539149: Abbildung: Figure 14-1: Multiplier base module Fig. 17-1r e l539149: Abbildung: Figure 14-1: Multiplier base module (Fig. 17-1)bel b  L16014: TabelleTitel: Table 14-1: Specification of the multiplier base module table 17-19- d +23265: Figure: Figure 7-2: Example waveform3Fig. 7-2 e  =39310: Figure: Figure 21-3: SYNOPSIS realization of one stage: (Fig. 21-3)ure g T30205: Heading1: 8 N-bit Adder section 9b d i624678: Abbildung: Figure 19-3: Detailed timing diagram Fig. 21-5i d b833966: Figure: Figure 18-6: Divider designed in SYNOPSYS Fig. 18-719- e 26893: Abbildung: Figure 19-3: (Fig. 20-4) (M d n=39310: Figure: Figure 21-3: SYNOPSIS realization of one stage Fig. 21-3G d =H18040: Figure: Figure 21-4: SYNOPSIS realization of a complete structure Fig. 21-4 g 5"78946: 1berschrift: 16 Multiplier section 17 f 96425: Gleichung: (19-1) equation 21-114- f m61910: Gleichung: (19-2) equation 21-2L e :481019: Abbildung: Figure 19-1: Basic array structure (Fig. 21-1)- e 915816: Abbildung: Figure 19-2: Black box view of one cell (Fig. 21-2) d F/37963: Figure: Figure 18-6: Simulation waveformF Fig. 18-8 b 419819: TabelleTitel: Table 19-1: Input timing scheme table 22-167 b e=24002: Abbildung: Figure 19-2: Output variable correspondance table 22-2 b iC35049: TableTitle: Table 20-2: Example Data written into the memoryA table 20-2re g 4&83097: 1berschrift: 19 1Syst (Filter) section 21 d n481019: Abbildung: Figure 19-1: Basic array structure Fig. 22-3gur d a=24002: Abbildung: Figure 19-2: Output variable correspondance Fig. 22-21 d t>30257: Figure: Figure 20-9: Simulation wavefrom of the example Fig. 20-8n e 925374: Abbildung: Figure 19-5: Black box view of one cell (Fig. 22-4)4 f i13758: Gleichung: (19-1) equation 22-11)- f 93348: Gleichung: (19-2) equation 22-3vie d F770406: Abbildung: Figure 19-1: Black bock view of 2Syst8 Fig. 22-1n w e -96806: Abbildung: Figure 19-6: (Fig. 22-5)Tab  d n98909: Abbildung: Figure 19-7: Fig. 22-6=  e i481019: Abbildung: Figure 19-1: Basic array structure (Fig. 22-3)  d e=81847: Abbildung: Figure 19-8: CADENCE realization of a array Fig. 22-7  d 943491: Abbildung: Figure 19-9: Fig. 22-81  e n(26990: Figure: Figure 7-1: Single Pulser (Fig. 7-1)  f 96853: Gleichung: (19-3) equation 22-4: O  d e-25666: Figure: Figure 9-4: Example Simulation0Fig. 9-4 F  d i>96730: Abbildung: Figure 19-7: Cadence realization of a memory Fig. 20-7g d k735305: Abbildung: Figure 19-5: Whole associative memoryi Fig. 20-5eic d a#76422: Figure: Figure 17-1: Divider4 Fig. 18-1 (1 d -53049: Figure: Figure 17-2:0 Fig. 18-2 Fi b cJ16014: TableTitle: Table 14-1: Specification of the multiplier base module table 18-1 d /82967: Figure: Figure 17-2: Divider base modulei Fig. 18-4  d 1'10807: Figure: Figure 18-5: Output Cellc Fig. 18-6 22  d F28254: Figure: Figure 18-3: Signals of the divider base module DIVcell Fig. 18-3  b G11475: TableTitle: Table 18-2: Specification of the divider base moduleF table 18-27-  f 35522: Equation: (22-2) equation 22-2eic  e a'38981: Figure: Figure 9-3: 24 Bit AdderF (Fig. 9-3)9-  e o*20882: Figure: Figure 9-2: Carry Generator (Fig. 9-2)  e r+29652: Figure: Figure 9-1: 4 bit Base Adder (Fig. 9-1)30  g e#13496: Heading2: 10.1 Specification. section 10.2  d 2,21945: Figure: Figure 10-1: MinMax Structure Fig. 10-1d  e r%22574: Figure: Figure 10-2: LastValue (Fig. 10-2)601  e e%17137: Figure: Figure 10-3: MeanValues (Fig. 10-3)le  e  -36883: Figure: Figure 10-4: 3to4 glue logicm (Fig. 10-4)18-  d  -27357: Figure: Figure 10-5: Example waveforms Fig. 10-52  e 933927: Figure: Figure 12-1: Black box view of the arbitero (Fig. 12-1)Fi  d '13539: Figure: Figure 12-2: Cell_2_plusS Fig. 12-2of  d d<15549: Figure: Figure 12-3: Arbiter with four inputs/outputs Fig. 12-3ion  d "32021: Figure: Figure 12-4: Cell_1 Fig. 12-4F  d =11352: Figure: Figure 12-5: Example simulation with collision Fig. 12-5 d +@38306: Figure: Figure 12-6: Example simulation without collision Fig. 12-6# ! e .*11871: Figure: Figure 15-1: StopWatchCount (Fig. 15-1): F " d  )12146: Figure: Figure 15-2: Mod_6_Countere Fig. 15-27 # d 0-25694: Figure: Figure 15-3: Modulo 10 Counter Fig. 15-3F $ d  -13426: Figure: Figure 15-4: Example Waveforms Fig. 15-7r % e 4636126: Figure: Figure 15-4: Unit for 7 Segment Display (Fig. 15-5)gur & d e;40765: Figure: Figure 15-5: Overall Structure of Stop Watchr Fig. 15-6 bo ' e e+41629: Figure: Figure 15-4: StopWatchReduce3 (Fig. 15-4)r ( d SC24861: Figure: Figure 19-3: Design of one stage of the Fifo elementi Fig. 19-3 in ) d .23445: Figure: Figure 19-5:" Fig. 19-5: F * d  :22767: Figure: Figure 19-4: Design of a 5-bit Fifo element Fig. 19-4u + b oI34971: TableTitle: Table 20-1: Basic operations of the associative memoryi table 20-1 , d .22399: Figure: Figure 20-1:* Fig. 20-1: F - d c=30493: Figure: Figure 11-3: Control - data path communicationg Fig. 11-3_ . d 1@40805: Figure: Figure 11-4: Waveform diagram of internal signals Fig. 11-4. 1 / d  >25443: Figure: Figure 11-5: Blackbox simulation of the circuit Fig. 11-5 0 c F541554: TableTitle: Table 11-1: State transition table5 (table 11-1) 1 b F/14220: TableTitle: Table 11-1: Internal signalsr table 11-2bo 2 b e-13407: TableTitle: Table 11-2: Output signals table 11-3 3 b S140201: TableTitle: Table 11-4: Data path functionf table 11-4 a q i a&(see Section <$paranum> <$paratext>)&(see Section <$paranum> <$paratext>) btable <$paranumonly>table <$paranumonly> o c(table <$paranumonly>)(table <$paranumonly>)o dFig. <$paranumonly>bFig. <$paranumonly>is e(Fig. <$paranumonly>) (Fig. <$paranumonly>)  fequation <$paranumonly> equation <$paranumonly> gsection <$paranumonly>section <$paranumonly>da h <$paratext>t <$paratext>1  Introduction_V0.8.0.doc GCD.docIntroduction_V0.8.1.doc  Pulser.doc  TLC.doc  Adder.doc F Min_Max.doc  Dealer.docc Arbiter.doc Rollback.doc5 Tamarack.docble Introduction_V0.8.3.doc Multiplier.doc Stopwatch.doc T Divider.doc Introduction_V0.8.4.doc Introduction.doc-  FIFO.doc: T  1Syst.docsi  2Syst.doc-3  Assoc.docS SPARROW.doc Seq_Multiplier.docn Whole_documentationTOC.docs  Title.doc Sd o-ae eramod p-e$pf <euglydes Left. dfpaRight>5X33@5 Indent 1. f6 &f in8b.c  Kopfzeile.. f7T   5berschrift Haupttextt:V0XXXf8 ZitatS. cnf9YE 4,X.X.o*.8`.p-Fݸ.U .pc6h.qb. <.glyp.. .ft@x.l.ԙ(.aŀ..330. J.v.)8.7ϐ.E.T(@.bT.p. 1AlgorithmusAlgoNumerierung Y:\t Algorithmus. իիիf:  showreferencestartreference reference. f;  Erklaerung attention. ff@< Indent 2. @= Indent 3. f>HU Fݺ,3 StartBeispiellargersidehead Bezeichnung+H:Beispiel -< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >p 1BeispielA. itf?Y 4,X.X.*.8`.Fݸ. U .encc6h.ttrqb.ere.p.. .f@x.l.ԙ(.ŀ..0. J.v.)8.7ϐ.lruE. teT(@.bT.ffp. AlgorithmusAlgoNumerierungY:\t. f@HU Fݺ, StartSatzlargersidehead Bezeichnung'H:Satz -< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >t1Satz. FݺfAHU Fݺ, StartLemmalargersidehead Bezeichnunge(H:Lemma -< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >1Satz>. FݺFݺ NfBH 1berschrift unsichtbarH: 1Haupttext. ,XXfC Fݺ, Definition Bezeichnung. v,X,XfDU  StartBeweisBetonungBeweis1Beweis: fE  Standardzelle . ><,X,XfFD ,X, 1BeispielF BezeichnungaBeispiel. ad@G Indent 4. fHHU 3 ,StartDefinitionlargersidehead Bezeichnung-H:Definition -< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< > 1Definitioni. ,XXfID BeispielBeispiel. fJH 4e. Gleichung#H:(-< >< >< >< >< >< >< >)\t. ,XXfK  EndeBeweis Beweisbox\tn 1Haupttext. Be,XfLSE ,X, 1Punkt S:.\tPunkt. 8bFݺfM BildbeginnBildende. Be,XfNS ,X, Punkt S:.\t. fOHU  2berschriftH:< >< >< >< >< >< >. 1Haupttext. X,XfP Einr.Markierung. fQT ʼnC Fuzeile 1berschrift. 9@R Indent 8. X,XfS  Einr.Punkt. s33@T Indent16. ,XfU  Haupttext . X@V Indent24. @W Indent 0. ,X,XfXD Fݺ,1Beweis Bezeichnung8Beweis. . fYHE  TabelleTitel*H:Table -< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >: 1Haupttext. O^@Z fO^ Reference. ,XXf[D Fݺ,Satz BezeichnungSatz. f\T   AuthorHeading1. ,Xf] Body. fffff^  BulletedCont. f_H EquationH:(-< >< >< >< >< >). XXf` ExampleXExample. faHe Figure%H:Figure -< >< >< >< >< >< >:  FirstBody. fb  c6kf FigureCell. Gfc a . FigureREF. fdT AddressHeading1. feD  FirstBodyBody. XX ffHE  FirstExample Labelling'H:Example -< >< >< >< >< >< >: Example. ,Xfg ,X Footnote. fhHU  Heading1H: FirstBody. #fi # . Heading1TOC . fjHU  Heading2H:< >< >< >< >. FirstBody. G#fk G . Heading2TOCi. flHU   Heading3H:< >< >< >< >.. FirstBody. kGfm k . Heading3TOC. fffnS ff Numbered S:.\t. fffoSE ff Numbered1 S:.\tNumbered. H:fffffp  NumberedCont. 8b8b8bfq Abstract. $ $fr  TableFootnote. fsHE  TableTitle$H:Table -< >< >< >< >< >< >: FirstBody. Gft a . TableTitleREF. fuTTitleAuthor. ZfvB fZ *? BulletedB:\t. *RfwB Z *? AcronymB:\t. fx    CellHeading. fy u. CellBody. *UfzB W *U RefMarkierungssymbolB:\t. f{He 4e. Abbildung Bezeichnung)H:Bild -< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >\t 1Haupttext. etf| Hinweis BezeichnungZ Hinweis: ?. f}   Kopfzelle. f~D  1Haupttext Haupttext. ,XfB ,X, MarkierungMarkierungssymbolB:\t. ,Vf ,V Funote. FݺFݺf c6_ Bildzelle. Vf  V TabelleFunote. fTTitelAutor. fT Autor 1berschrift. U U U f Extrakt. fHU   3berschrift"H:< >< >< >< >< >< >.. 1Haupttext. X,XfX X,f SatzPunkt X:.\t. X,XfXe fX, 1SatzPunkt X:.\t SatzPunkt. fT   4berschrift 1Haupttext. ,X,XfD ,X,1Satz BezeichnungSatz. ,XXf Fݺ,Beweis Bezeichnung. ,X,XfD Fݺ, 1Definition Bezeichnung Definition. 5 Betonung  Trademark 3yc>BildbeschriftungUNIX  Hochgestellt  Tiefgestellt w Symbol i_mF )`  $թ|   $թ|  $թ|   )` $թ|   } )`  $թ|   Bezeichnung ڝ ڝPrevailing Font g#`f  Variablestu VariableEquationVariablesesc   Kapitaelchen Emphasis 3yc> FigureLabelt   Labellingl  Subscript  Superscript| )   ڝ )   Labelling ڝ)  )   tu ڝ )   3w Arrowg  Fett 43i_mFHDL 43`f keyn 3w Pi2  ZapfDingbats 0[  Bezeichnung " Definition 4  keyword yc>Bildbeschriftung,groupe   ZapfChancery  unsichtbarڝEquationNumbers EquationFunctions  EquationStringsGleichungVariablen-=.- d@BlackAT!Whitedd@ARed4dd@Greendd@ Blue d@Cyand@Magentaitsd@ [Yellow2 @gFill12@Fill2@ FillLight ) I ; r :upe Title.doc q ;eryWhole_documentationTOC.docTOC Heading1Heading2Heading3 )Introduction.doc *unc Pulser.doc +qua TLC.doc , Adder.doc- -Min_Max.doc . Dealer.doc  /Arbiter.doc! 0dRollback.doc4" 1Tamarack.docBl# 2CyStopwatch.doc$ 3 GCD.doc% 4Multiplier.doc& 5 FiDivider.doc' 6 FIFO.doc;( 7Tit Assoc.doc) 8Who 1Syst.docc* 9din 2Syst.docCourierHelvetica-BoldOblique.Helvetica-Bold Times-ItalicHelvetica-Narrow Times-RomanHelvetica-Oblique Helvetica Times-BoldPalatino-RomanSymbolSymbol Palatino-BoldPalatino-ItalicM Courier-BoldACourier.Times HelveticaoSymbolPalatino ZapfChancery ZapfDingbatsNarrowRegularRegular0Book BoldRegularObliqueItalic 3dw::Vkږh.]Drt:'sY2v! 0{\Ro{UϙJ3Z8ܒsYȻ@-e?`%=:&vm#~ߦv#6X0I {\[