SDSP Behavioral Model

-- Notes Page --

Just as with the read and write memory procedures, we check for reset whenever a wait condition exists in the process.

The process executes a typical processor cycle -- fetch next instruction, decode the instruction, and execute the instruction. In this model, decoding is performed by doing type conversion on slices of the instruction, and execution is performed using a VHDL case statement.

Not all of the instructions are shown since there are quite a few of them. But the general pattern can be observed.

For example, the ADD operation is performed simply by making a call to the add procedure. Note that heavy use of casting is done to translate variable types passing in and out of procedures.

The load operation is shown here to demonstrate the activities that must take place. Two memory reads are performed; the first is to obtain the displacement, and the second is to fetch the desired data.

A branch instruction operates in several steps.

  1. Read the displacement from memory
  2. Calculate the condition
  3. Set the PC accordingly
Note the use of the others clause at the end of the case statement. Even if all op-code patterns were used in the case statement (which is not the case here), it is good modeling practice to always use an others clause to report anomalous modeling behavior.