AcroDesign Technologies exploits its expertise and innovative X-Acute platform to develop creative custom programming solutions for your mobile computing needs. We offer our clients expertise in systems, application, and networking software development. Our proprietary X-Accute development tools enable us to create robust solutions faster, and therefore, at lower costs. Our goal is to help you take advantage of the unique benefits offered by PDAs so that you can work smarter, faster, and with greater impact.

Our services include product definition and creation, custom programming to spec., and application maintenance. If you would just like to know what PDAs can do for your business, or already have a vision that you would like help realizing, we would like to talk to you. We have been creating innovative technologies since 1994, and look forward to creating innovative solutions with you.

-- Scott Thibault, Ph.D.

We have demonstrated the power of the X-Acute platform by using it to create commercial consumer products. Check out our products page to see the results! PalmStudy - NASB, our Bible study application, is currently a best seller in the Religion category of